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Trimming: Sun, April 30 14:30-17:30

Refresher new/long-term members who want to work on foundational trimming techniques.

483 svenska kronor

Beskrivning av tjänsten

There are several new members who would like additional wheel instruction and several long-time members who are still not comfortable with the wheel or have been avoiding it for awhile :)! This class is for you. Remember the 3 h drejning class will not be focused on production. So to have more pieces to trim, you may want to book some member wheel sessions in between the drejning and trimming classes. Be sure to think about getting those pieces dry enough for trimming though! If the trimming is finished early, we can use that time to also do “thrown feet”/thrown knobs on the trimmed pieces, maybe even combine forms you made on the wheel, build on them, OR I can show some different engobe techniques (you can just paint engobes on, but there are also techniques in which you scratch or scrape away the engobes, which are really cool)! Instruction is not included in membership so the cost of this class is as follows: 1. I will redeem one of your members sessions for this event (usually, 2.5 hours so you get a bonus 30 mins!) 2. You will sign up for the class here, where you’ll pay an additional 483 kr per person for the cost of instruction 3. As with membership, clay, engobes, and glazes are included. You will glaze any finished pieces during normal member hours 4. As with any other member pieces, the pieces you finish and choose to fire will cost 0.063 kr per cm3

Kommande sessioner


We don’t offer refunds for cancellations. Please review your schedule and coordinate with your party before you register. Plan ahead to be sure that you can attend! In 5-week classes, if you have to miss a class, please let me know ASAP. I may be able to arrange a switch with another student so you don't have to miss any class time.


  • Björnsonsgatan 199, 168 44 Bromma, Sweden

    072 40 30 239

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